The Organization for Educational Technology and Curriculum (OETC) is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Student Information Systems as a Joint Cooperative Procurement on behalf of its public K-12 and higher education member institutions. The purpose of this RFP is to solicit proposals from qualified software providers to provide OETC’s members with a comprehensive, fully integrated, operational, student information system (SIS). OETC is seeking an interested and qualified company that can provide solutions to address current and future SIS needs.
Intent to Award
Tyler SIS
Proposals should be mailed to the address below or delivered in person to Zach Jensen and must arrive no later than 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time on December 3, 2018. Due to the revised timeline, intent to award will be announced on December 11, 2018
Deliver Sealed Bids to:
Attn: Zach Jensen / OETC-18R-SIS
471 High Street SE
Suite 10-Creekside
Salem, OR 97301
Bids Received
Respondent | Date Received | Time Received | Date Opened | Time Opened |
ITG America | November 26, 2018 | 8:15 PST | December 3, 2018 | 18:16 PST |
ALMA | November 26, 2018 | 8:15 PST | December 3, 2018 | 18:22 PST |
Edupoint | November 21, 2018 | 10:11 PST | December 3, 2018 | 18:23 PST |
Tyler Technologies | November 20, 2018 | 10:20 PST | December 3, 2018 | 18:26 PST |
PowerSchool (1) | November 26, 2018 | 8:35 PST | December 3, 2018 | 18:30 PST |
PowerSchool (2) | November 26, 2018 | 8:35 PST | December 3, 2018 | 18:33 PST |
The following files are required for this solicitation:
- OETC-18R-SIS_RFP Document_Final
- OETC-18R-SIS Exhibit 1
- OETC-18R-SIS Exhibit 2: Questions
- OETC-18R-SIS Exhibit 3: Software Evaluation Matrix
- OETC-18R-SIS Bid Evaluation Rubric
Section Reference | Question | Answer |
Sheet Name : general & system admin Requirement no. : 8 | Kindly elaborate more on requirement “System must have the ability for the district to change the amount of time before a staff member is automatically logged off” | Proposed system must have the ability for system administrators to change the amount of time that passes before a user is automatically logged out of the system for security purposes. |
Sheet Name : Demographics Requirement no. : 9 | Kindly elaborate more on requirement “System must have the ability to pre-enroll students” | If a new student is starting at a school before the new school year begins, the system must have the option to mark the student as "pre-enrolled" when creating a new student record. This indicates the student is NOT part of the current, active enrollment. |
Sheet Name : Attendance Requirement no. : 12 | Query attendance for a students’/users’ defined range, kindly advise if the requested in this requirements is as the same as date range? | System must possess the ability to check a student's attendance during a specified date range. |
Sheet Name : Scheduling Requirement no. : 21 | Kindly elaborate more on requirement “Schedule must have the ability to View and interact with Scheduling Matrix.” | System must possess the ability to communicate a student's mandatory scheduling parameters when an administrator is attempting to alter a student's schedule. This ensures any class scheduling does not override mandatory portions of a student's personal schedule. |
Sheet Name : Scheduling Requirement no. : 31 | Kindly elaborate more on requirement “The scheduling engine automatically balances special program student enrollment across regular education course sections.” | System must possess the ability to ensure students enrolled in special programs are appropriately scheduled for classes aligned with district and state requirements. |
Sheet Name : Portal & mobile Requirement no. : 5 | Parent and Student portal must be available in multiple languages, including: English, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Parisian French, German, Portuguese - (Brazilian), Arabic, Italian, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Vietnamese, Tagalog, French Creole, Polish, Persian, Greek Kindly advise if its mandatory to provide OETC WITH all the mention languages | Yes. |
Sheet Name : Technical Requirement no. : 21 | Kindly advise what response time can be expected with the system? | This is an open ended question. Please provide the system response time that can be expected on your platform. |
Exhibit-1 | Please determine that thee annual license/subscription/support fees are per user or for the total of users | Per user. |
OETC-18R-SIS_RFP-Document_Final/ page 5 | Kindly advise the minimum and maximum number of users per district | There is no minimum or maximum number of users per district. OETC represents educational institutions of all sizes. |
OETC-18R-SIS_RFP-Document_Final/ page 6 | Kindly advise if the bidder is requested to provide learning content as stated in the RFP document “Provide OETC with all required or requested documents and literature” | This pertains to submission of a responsive proposal. A proposal that does not include all requested information will not move on to the next phase of the evaluation process. |
OETC-18R-SIS_RFP-Document_Final/ page 8 | Kindly advise if the hosting on premises will be on a co-location vendor in USA or on premises on client organization datacenter | For the purposes of this proposal, Respondents should submit one per-user price for a vendor-hosted system and one per-user price for a district-hosted system. In the event a member chooses to co-locate, their co-location partner will be based in the US. |